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境外人员在线临时住宿登记指南 | Residence Registration

作者:admin日期:2024-07-24 18:10:40

临时住宿登记 Residence Registration


Overseas Personnel Temporary Residence Registration, is a proof of residence for individuals who don't have a mainland Chinese ID Card and live in China. Foreigners are required to register their residence on the Chinese mainland within 24 hours of arrival, and here are the information about registering residence for foreigners.


Residence Registration after Entry

Residence registration for foreigners residing in the hotel should be handled by the front desk staff of the hotel.

Foreigners residing in the area/community can apply for accommodation registration through the following channels:

(1) Registered residence and other service windows of police stations and public security service windows stationed in community administrative service centers.

(2) Social application platforms such as overseas personnel service stations and immigration integration service stations

(3) A self-service declaration platform for internet applications.


Residents of foreigners who apply for accommodation registration through public security windows or social application platforms, shall submit their valid identity documents and relevant materials such as housing rental contracts, home stay property certificates, residential commitment letters and other materials deemed necessary by the public security organ. If entrusted to others or handled by the host, valid identification documents of the entrusted or host must also be provided.

Those who apply for accommodation registration through the self-service declaration desk should submit relevant materials according to the system prompts.


How to Register Your Residence Online

北京 Beijing

Scanning the following QR code with your mobile phone and fill out the form to finish the registration.


上海 Shanghai

1.Scanning the following QR code with your mobile phone. 用手机扫描下面二维码

2.Log on http://gaj.sh.gov.cn/crj/24hr

广州 Guangzhou

1.Follow the WeChat official account:Guangzhou Bureau of Public Security (WeChat ID: gzsgaj)

关注微信公众号:广州公安 (微信ID:gzsgaj )

2.Enter the registration system. 登录注册系统

3.Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


深圳 Shenzhen

1.Follow the WeChat official account: Shenzhen Bureau of Public Security (WeChat ID: szga-110).

关注微信公众号:深圳公安 (ID:szga-110)

2.Enter the registration system. 登录注册系统

3.Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


西安 Xi'An

1.Follow the WeChat official account: the Exit-Entry Administration of Xi’an Municipal Public Security Bureau (WeChat ID: xianchurujing).

关注微信公众号:西安出入境 (微信ID:xianchurujing)

2.Enter the registration system. 登录注册系统

3.Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


杭州 Hangzhou

1.Download the “浙里办 App (PINYIN: ZHELIBAN)” (the General Office of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province).

下载 “浙里办“APP (浙江省人民政府办公室)

2.Search for ”警察叔叔” (PINYIN:JINGCHASHUSHU). 搜索“警察叔叔”

3.Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


南京 Nanjing

1.Follow the WeChat official account: Nanjing Bureau of Public Security (WeChat ID: NJgongan).

关注微信公众号:南京公安 (微信ID:NJgongan )

2.Enter the registration system. 登录注册系统

3.Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


苏州 Suzhou

Step 1. Follow the WeChat official account: Suzhou Bureau of Public Security (WeChat ID: suzhou_police).

关注微信公众号:苏州公安微警务 (微信ID:suzhou_police)

Step 2. Enter the registration system. 登录注册系统

Step 3. Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.


常见问题 FAQs

Q:What's the Validity Period of the Temporary Residence Registration Form? 临时住宿登记表有效期多久?

A:From the date of registration to the date of departure from China or change of residence address/passport. (Temporary Residence Registration needs to be updated every time foreigners enter China or change their residence address / passport.)

Q:If I have bought a house in China, do I still need to register my residence? 如果在中国买房产,还需要住宿登记吗?

A:Yes. If you live in the house you bought, then you should take your Identity Document and Certificate of House Ownership to register your residence with the local police station.

Q: What if I fail to register my residence? 如果没有做住宿登记怎么办?

A: If you are found out by the police,you will be fined 2000RMB or less. And if you refuse to pay the fine or to register, you may be deported or have a bad record which will make it extremely difficult for you to enter China again.

Q:Can I register my residence at the nearest neighborhood or village council? 我可以在附近社区或者村委做住宿登记吗?

A:Currently, there is no legal basis for the Neighborhood and Village Councils to undertake this work.


